Annotation summary for <EM>inf126</EM> in <i>insitu_ovaries_public</i>

Annotation summary for inf126 in insitu_ovaries_public

Legend: RNA signal: green, DNA staining: magenta

Probe source: inf126 (Flybase link inf126 , FlyFish insitu , BDGP insitu new)
stage1s subiquitous signal
stage2-7s s s s s s s s s s s sfollicle cells
cytoplasmic foci
somatic cells
nurse cells
nuclear foci
stage8s snuclear foci
somatic cells
follicle cells
stage9s s s s sfollicle cells
somatic cells
nuclear foci
stage10s s s sfollicle cells
somatic cells
nuclear foci

inf126 is not in the database insitu_fish inf126 is not in the database insitu
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